Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Beginning

Pathos is the Greek word for "Suffering" or "Experience."

This is a long overdue blog project, one I've been talking about on and off for probably about 6 months or so.  I've been too lazy to continue it, or even start it.  But, I'm tired of being so lazy, and I'm deciding to push through.

This blog isn't for me to rant and rave.  I already have one for that.  This is for me to pursue that endeavor I have ambitions for above all else: writing.  Everything here will reflect the pursuit of that dream.  Yes, I will not be able to help myself from the occasional rant, I'm only human.  I love ranting.  But I will make it purposeful.

I use the term "pathos" based on what a creative writing professor once told me: she made the observation that in almost every piece of work I submitted as part of an assignment, something tragic happens or the course of the work is tragic in nature.  Even after her urging, when I tried to channel happiness, the end was result was a sort of "happy tragedy."  Pathos.  I push characterization above story, and the development of those characters rings through with the concept of pathos.  I don't necessarily wish to keep writing the same old thing, but the using the elements of my current style to find how I write.  How fully I can write.  Push forward through the barriers I have erected for myself.

So, I ask you to come with me.  I ask you to read what I write here, and tell me what you think.  If I'm shit, tell me.  I need criticism more than anything.


  1. Well I don't know how qualified I am to criticise but I'll do what I can. You're criticising me so I shall have to try to do the same for you. Your teacher shouldn't have tried to get you to steer away from what you were doing though, in my opinion.

  2. deep, man. good luck with this blog.

  3. nice read! super interesting. Keep it up!
