Friday, February 3, 2012


Or should I say, UPDATE!

I got me a fancy new laptop using all my toil money from toiling at the ole factory.  Acer Aspire to replace my six-year-old Dell Inspiron e1505 (I know, shameful, but I've been mostly broke since I got it, so no upgrayedds for it until now).  Transferring files to the new sexy sleek computer, after I cleaned the love juice out of the usb ports.

So, I've got some stuff almost ready to post, to keep up with a certain standard of regular posting (A Minimum of once a week).  I'm gearing up, so stay tuned!


  1. Congrats on your new laptop brah. Acer Aspires are pretty good.

  2. Definitely happy you got a new laptop, I have no idea why, but I smile whenever someone is happy about their new computer/ piece of technology.

  3. I'd like to read more of your cool creations. Congrats on getting a new laptop!
